Expats: To be eligible to join TWIG you must be a foreign citizen staying in Uzbekistan as a member of the diplomatic corps or the international business community. The number of members of any nationality may not exceed 20% of the total number of members. Uzbek citizens: Because one of our goals is to develop a close relationship with the local culture and community, up to 10% of our members are Uzbek citizens who have also lived abroad as expats and have returned to their home country.
Our year starts in September and the yearly membership fee for 2024-2025 is 1.000.000 so'm. Members who join after the 1st of February pay half for the remainder of the TWIG year.
1. Submit an application. 2. Board reviews the application and votes. 3. Candidate receives notice of approval, rejection, or waitlist status. 4. If accepted, the candidate: - pays the annual membership fee to activate her membership, and thereby - implicitly agrees to abide by the TWIG Members' Code of Conduct.