TWIG incorporates charity events in its yearly calendar. In the past TWIG has supported several local centers for people with disabilities such as the Research Center for Disabled Children "Sanvikt", and Movement Theatre Company "Visage". More recent examples:
- In the year 2019-2020 TWIG has worked with an organization for disabled people in Karakalpakstan, donating sewing machines. TWIG also collected money for other organizations, such as a home for disabled orphans in Angren, a city some 100 km east of Tashkent, and the Research Institute for Hematology and Blood Transfusion in Tashkent.
- In 2020-2021 TWIG distributed Korzinka vouchers to wards of the Ezgu Amal Charity Foundation, donated toys and games to pupils of School #52 (a school for children with special mental and physical needs and difficult family environments which is a long-time recipient of TWIG's charitable donations), and brought presents to little patients (and their mothers) at the Research Institute for Hematology and Blood Transfusion.
- In 2021-2022 TWIG made monetary and in-kind donations to Mehrli qo'llar (“Loving Hands”), a non-profit organization for disabled children and youth. This included a donation of ten wheelchairs, generously sponsored by the Abu Dhabi Uzbek Investment Company LLC.
- In 2022-2023 TWIG made various in-kind and monetary donations to and/or organized activities in support of:
- Victims of the earthquake of February 2023 in Turkey/Syria.
- Schools #52, #53 and #57 (schools for children with special needs).
- Children's Home #30, which accommodates 97 students age 7-17.
- The Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Clinical Immunology.
- Opa-Singillar, a charity organization in Qibray which supports more than 300 women and children with disabilities, endeavouring to teach them marketable skills.
- Various people with special needs selected by the organizations "Mehrli Qo'llar" ("Loving Hands") and "Mehribonlik" ("Kindness").